24.5 x 1760. Calculator time!
1 gallon = 1 gallon
1 metre = 1.0936152 yards 1 kilometre = 1093.6152 yards
1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup =0.23 gallon
.33333333 is how many yards is a foot.
Zero. Yards is a linear measurement and a gallon is liquid.
1 US gallon is about 0.00495 cubic yards.
72 inches = how many yards
There are about 0.004951 cubic yards in one gallon.
Zero. Yards, which are linear measurement units, have nothing to do with gallons, which are volume units.
15 gallons = 0.07427 cubic yards (rounded)
it depends on the car
One gallon of water is equal to 0.004951 cubic yards.
there is 1 gallon in 1 gallon
1 yd³ = 201.97 gallons 403.94 ÷ 5 = 80.79 buckets
1 gallon of adhesive
1 gallon!