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640 yards i think

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Q: How many yards in a circle 250 ft circumfrance 8 ft high?
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How many acres in a circle with a radius of 150 yards?

Approx 70,686 square yards.

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How many cubic yards in an 12 foot diameter circle with a 4 inch thickness?

How many square yards in a 200 yard diameter circle?

There are: pi*100*100 square yards

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Area of circle of 132 inch diameter = 13684*78 sq inches = 10.56 sq yards.

How many yards in the circumference of an acre?

If the acre is a circle (and the use of the word 'circumference' implies this, the other word would be perimeter) then 1 acre = 4,840 square yards Area = pi times r2 A circle with an area of 1 acre has a radius of 39.25 yards (approx.) A circle with a radius of 39.25 yards has a circumference of 246.62 yards (approx)

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A circle with a circumference of 1,515 yards has an area of 182,648.202 square yards which equates to 37.74 (37.7372318) acres.

How many yards are in a 50 yard radius circle?

There is a circular pond whose diameter is 50 yards long, f you walk around this pond, how many yards do you walk?

How many yards were Noahs ark?

150 yards long, 25 yards wide, and 15 yards high.

The height of niagara falls is 182 feet How many yards high is it?

60.6 yards high.

How many acres are in a circle with a radius of 300 yards?

Approximately 58.42 (58.4180452) acres.

What is pi and how does it relate to the circumfrance?

The number pi is the ratio of the circumference and the diameter of a circle. In Euclidian ("flat") geometry, this ratio is the same for all circles. The number pi is approximately 3.1416. It also has many other uses in mathematics and physics, not all of which have an obvious relation to a circle or sphere.

How many cubic yards in an 18 foot diameter circle?

0 so long as there is no thickness