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8 billion minutes = 15,210.61 years

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Q: How many years are in 8 billion minutes?
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When you see a galaxy 8 billion light years away you are how many years into the past?

When you see a galaxy that is 8 billion light years away, you are observing it as it was 8 billion years ago because light takes time to travel across such vast distances.

How many minutes in 8 years?


When you see a galaxy 8 billion light-years away you are looking how many years into the past?

When you see a galaxy that is 8 billion light years away, the light that's dribbling into your eye left that galaxy 8 billion years ago, and has been traveling toward you ever since then. If you just happen to see the galaxy explode or turn blue while you're watching it, you'll know that it actually exploded or turned blue 8 billion years ago. Similarly, if the galaxy explodes or turns green tonight, you won't know about that for another 8 billion years from tonight.

How many hrs and minutes in 8 hundred?

The answer depends on 800 WHAT! 800 seconds, minutes, years?

How many years can the sun continue to exist in its present stable state?

Perhaps 7 to 8 billion years.

How many years has the earth been in the solar system for?

The best guess is that our solar system is about 8 billion years old.

If some of the galaxies in this image are 10 billion light years away what does that mean you are actually looking at when you take a picture of those galaxies?

When taking a picture of galaxies that are 10 billion light years away, you are seeing them as they were 10 billion years ago due to the time it takes for light to travel that distance. This means you are observing them in the distant past, providing a glimpse into the early stages of the universe.

Does a billion seconds equal 31 years 8 months 8 days 1 hour 46 minutes and 40 seconds?

Approximately, yes. When you get to a period like 30+ years and you are trying to be accurate to a second, you need to allow for leap years.

Is a redshift of 1 equal to a light travel distance of nearly 8 billion years?

Yes, a redshift of 1 does equal to a light travel distance of nearly 8 billion years (i.e. 7.7 billion years).

How many light years from the earth is the sun in December?

About 8 light-minutes.

How many minutes in eight years?

60*24*7*52*8 that many or... 1 year = 525,948.766 minutes 8 years = 4,207,590.128 minutes more accurate answer is: 60*24*365=525,600min every 4 years we get 1 extra day: 525,600*4+60*24=2,102,400+1,440=2,103,840min 8 years is 2 times 4 years = 4,207,680min

How many minutes are in 8?

There are exactly 8 minutes in 8 ... minutes.