The singular is "millenium"; "millenia" is the plural. "Millenium" means a thousand years.
There are 100 years in a century. There are 1000 years in a millennium.
How many months is 3.25 years
Three and a half years.
365 years is 365 years.
97 years
I just spent approximately $65 for premium NGK laser platinum plugs which I believe are OEM spec for the car. Mine's a 1999 milly S w/ 120k. Running good!
How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for
"How many light years does Dschubba have?" "How many light years does Dschubba have?"
There are 100 years in a century. There are 1000 years in a millennium.
ten years
6 years
How many years were Joe and Louisa engagedHow many years were Joe and Louisa engaged
There are eleven years in eleven years.
Olympics occur how many years
Depends on how many are leap years.
The duration of After Many Years is 1020.0 seconds.
How many years has Dr. maloch has his practice?