Between those years there are four.
There 400 years between them.
There are 27 years between 1985 and 2012.
9 years
8 years
BC is the same as BCE. From 200 BCE to 50BC is 150 years.
300 mate, 300 * * * * * Wrong, because there wasa no Year 0. The correct answer is 299.
There was no single King of Britain at that time. It was, for the most part a tribal society, with MANY chieftains of or 'kings.'
How many years are between 1976 and 2013
There 26 years BETWEEN the two.
Between those years there are four.
There 400 years between them.
There are 300 years.
4 years are between each olympic games .
it is 36 years between 1968 and 2004
There is 5,600 years between.
There are 23 years between 1988 and 2011.