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Q: How many years equals 72 credit hours?
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How many college credits is 900 hours?

20 "3 credit hour"classes. Three class hours equals 45 credit hours.

80 years equals how many hours?

80 years = 701,265.022 hours

1.3 years equals how many hours?

11,395.5566 hours.

How many years equals 33819 hours?

About 3 years and 313 days.

How many years is 120 credit hours?

If you take 15 credit hours per semester and go 2 semesters per year it is exactly 4 years.

How many quarter hours are in eighty credit hours?

80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours80 quarter hours equals 53.33 semester hours

1 million hours equals how many years?

114 year approx

80000 hours equals how many days?

80 000 hours = 3 333.33333 days80 000 hours = 9.12636422 years

How many hours 1 credit?

One credit hour of class contact time per week equals on credit for the semester. If a course is listed a a three credit course, that means it will meet for three hours per week for the semester. This however, is for a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic years. If you look at this in total hours for the semester, it is approximately 48 hours of class contact time for a three credit course for the semester.

How many credit hours does it take to get an associate degree in dental hygiene?

The standard expectation is about two years to complete the roughly 55 credit hours necessary for an Associates Degree. Actual number of hours will depend on the school and the program.

How many credit hours are needed for one year post graduate medical training?

It takes 8 years

How many hours in 2320 hours equals?

For some strange reason, 2320 hours equals exactly 2320 hours!