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Q: How many years has pi been around?
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How many years has pi day been celebrated?

pi day has been celebrated for over 4000 years by=g

How many years has pi been celebrated for?

For over 4,000 years

How many years has pi been celebrated?


How many days has Pi been celebrated?

pi day has been celebrated for over 4000 years by=g

For how many years pi day been celebrated?

For over 4,000 years

For how many years has Pi day been celebrated?

For over 4,000 years

How many years has the symbol pi been regularly used in its mathematical sense?

not sure

When was pi invented?

As a letter, pi has been around for around 3000 years; it has represented the following concept for just under 300. As a mathematical concept (the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter always being the same), pi has been used for around 4000 years.The concept of PI was written about 3,912 years ago, because the earliest known textually evidenced approximations of PI date from around 1900 BC. They are found in the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus. But only 306 years ago in 1706 AD William Jones was the first to use the Greek letter PI referring to the ratio of the perimeter to the diameter, which is constant for all circles.

How many years has the pi symbol been used?

It was introduced by the Welsh mathematician William Jones in 1706

Which scientist arrived at a fairly accurate calculation of the value of pi?

There have been many estimations of Pi by many scientists over the years. To answser this questions, more information is needed. You might also see the link on the history of Pi.

When did Einstein find pi?

Pi had been found over 2,000 years before Einstein was born.

How many days are in pi years?

There are 3 years, 51 days, 16 hours, 19 minutes, and 12 seconds in pi years.