How many years have there been since 1776?
156 weeks in 3 years.
It is impossible to know exactly how many people named Alex there are in the world. However, they must number in the millions. In the U.S., it has been a top 100 name for many years, and at times has been in the top 50 and top 20. It is a classic name that is used by many different cultures all over the world.
It's been on for eight years as of 2011.
it has been 52 years since 1958
The world has been here for billions of years and it will go on for many more!!!!
The Earth is approximately 4.567 billion (4,567,000,000) years old.
Because it has been here for many years and is stated as a world heritage site
it has been here since god created it
i know nothing
They have been here since the very beginning.
Many millions of years.
80 years
Lead has been mined here for many hundreds of years. Gold was mined here during the reign of James IV and provided employment for 300miners. Gold has not been profitable for many years.
The World Cup began in 1930 so this year it would have been going on for 80 years.
10 Years
It is said that magic has been here on earth millions of years ago.It i said that it vanished its power little by little.In today world we cannot satisfy it's needs to make it powerful enough.