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Q: How many years in two half lives?
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How much sample of 10g of tritium with half life of 12.32 after 2 half lives?

After 2 half-lives (two half-lives of tritium is 12.32 x 2 = 24.64 years), the initial 10g sample of tritium would have decayed by half to 5g.

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two years or twevle years

How many years would it take for a sample of U-235 to undergo 2 half-lives?

It would take 4.5 billion years for a sample of U-235 to undergo 2 half-lives. U-235 has a half-life of about 700 million years, so two half-lives would be 1.4 billion years, which is equivalent to 4.5 billion years.

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A radioactive element has a half-life of 1000 years. If a sample of this element begins with a mass of 20 grams how long would you have to wait for the mass to decrease to 5 grams?

Since the element has a half-life of 1000 years, it will take two half-lives for the mass to decrease to 5 grams from 20 grams. Two half-lives equal 2000 years, so you would have to wait 2000 years for the mass to decrease to 5 grams.

After two half-lives, how much of the original material has decayed?

After two half-lives, 75% of the original material has decayed.

How many half-lives have passed if 12.5 of a radioactive sample are left?

3 At the end of the first half life, there will theoretically be 50% remaining. 2 half lives: 25% 3 half lives:12.5 %

What is the amount of the original carbon-14 remaining after two half lives?

After two half lives, 25% of the original carbon-14 would remain. This is because half of the remaining carbon-14 decays during each half life, leaving you with 50% after one half life and 25% after two half lives.

How old is a fossil that has a radioactive material with a half life of 200 years if there is 25 percent of the original radioactive material left?

The fossil would be approximately 600 years old. We can calculate this by determining how many half-lives have passed based on the remaining 25% of the original radioactive material. Since the half-life is 200 years, and with 25% remaining, it means two half-lives have passed (50% after first, 25% after second). Therefore, 2 x 200 = 400 years.

If An isotope of an element has a half life of ten years How long would it take for this isotope to decay to about onesixteen of its original amount?

It would take approximately 40 years for the isotope to decay to about one-sixteenth of its original amount. This is because each half-life reduces the amount by half, so after two half-lives (20 years) the amount would be reduced to one-quarter, and after three half-lives (30 years) it would be reduced to one-eighth, approaching one-sixteenth after four half-lives (40 years).

How many years left till 2014?

From mid-2011, about two and a half.

How many weeks in two and a half years?

There are 52 weeks in a year, and therefore 26 weeks in a half year.52 + 52 + 26 = 130 weeks in two and a half years.i googled how many weeks are in 2 years and it gave me 104.354914. and i divided it in half and added it to 104.354914. and i got 156.532371