1000 years as a decade contains 10 years a century contains 100 years.
A millennium is 1,000 years
There are 100 years in a century. There are 1000 years in a millennium.
1000 years in a millennium.
Three millennia (the plural of millennium) is 3000 years. Each millennium is 1000 years. (A millennium is not one million years, despite sounding like "million".)
A millennium is one thousand years. Beware that many people confuse a millennium being a million years due to the fact that millennium contains part of the word million in it. Put in numbers, a millennium is 1,000 years.
There are 1,000 years in a millennium.1000 years is called as a millennium.
A millennium is 1,000 years
There are a 1,000 years in a millennium
there are one thousandth of years in a millennium.
A millennium is one thousand years.
There are 100 years in a century. There are 1000 years in a millennium.
A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.
A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.
A millennium is a thousand years, so a half-millennium is five hundred years.
One millennium is one thousand years (1,000 years).
how many years are in a millenium There are 1,000 years in a millennium (one thousand years).
they are 1000 years in a millennium