

Best Answer

A thousand.

II Peter 3:8

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Another opinionThey say a day to God is a thousand years, but I say God is not restricted by such a dimension as time. God is omnipotent and eternal. In my studies: the only thing I've found to be truly immortal in this physical world God has made for us, is a light photon. A photon travels through the three dimensions of space at the speed of light; there for its dimension of time(according to Einstien's relativity theory) stands still, the photon never ages. I've seen to many references to God as "the Light", in Christian aswell as Buddist, Hindu, and Muslim texts. I do not only believe, but I feel strongly that there is a link between these immortal photons and what I put my faith into. All the references to our time and God's seem to have fluctuating ratios, depending on the text (or it's translation) you happen to be reading. Does God have no time, are light photons the closest thing we have to a so-called "finger print" of God from the Big-Bang.


Dear Beloved be not ignorant...every thing said in The Bible has meaning....and God didnt just say these words for fun...

Look 1000 years is truly 1 day for God here how it is..

God Vs Man

1 day (for God) = 1000 years (for man)

in one day we have86400 Seconds(24 hoursX60 minX60 Sec) for 100 years we have31557600000 Sec

Now divide 31557600000/86400 which will be 365250 which is equal to 1000 years i.e. 365.25 days in a year X 1000 years

Now you were talking about light photo and the God who created this light must be more powerful than what he has created.

we know that light travels @ 299792.458 km/s

but at what speed can God travel (this speed is not restrictive)

As we all know how to calculate speed/velocity i.e. velocity = distance/time

we have time i.e. 86400 (1day) = 3155760000 (1000 years)and have to find out the distance traveled and the velocity for this we take time = distance/velocity

t = d/v86400 = d/v = 31557600000

86400 = 1*d/1*v = 31557600000(1*V) x 86400 = 1*d = 31557600000

(1*V) x 86400 = d = 31557600000/1

1*V x 86400 = d = 31557600000 (So d = 31557600000)

1*V x 86400 = 31557600000

V x 86400 = 31557600000/1

V x 86400 = 31557600000

V = 31557600000/86400

V = 365250 i.e 365.25 days X 1000 yearsAnd this speed is more than the speed of light. Now as God is omnipotent this speed is not restrictive this is because there are several galaxies in the universe and their distance is in billions of kms so God can travel at any speed.

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