Since one year = 12 months, just divide the number of months by 12.
It is: 5*288 = 1440
The next number in the series 3, 618, 72, is -1635. The relevant rule is Un = (-1161n2 + 4713n - 3546)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
There are infinitely many rules that can generate this sequence. As imple one is Un = 5n2 - 21n +72 for n = 1, 2, 3, ... And then n = 4 gives U4 = 68
There are many possible answers. One of these is Un = (79n6 - 2421n5 + 28225n4 - 159375n3 + 453736n2 - 606804n - 281520)/360 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
Infinitely many. For example: Un+1 = Un + 3 or Un+1 = 2*Un - 1 or Un+1 = 3*Un - 5 or, more generally, Un+1 = k*Un + 7 - 4*k where k is any number. Each one of them will be different from the third term onwards. These are linear patterns. There are quadratic and other recursive relationships.
This is a question sentence and it means "How many months does one year have". (Cuantos = How many; meses = months; hay = there are; en = in; un = one; ano = year).
Worldwide, the average life expectancy is about 67.2 years (65.0 years for males and 69.5 years for females), according to various UN sources. Life expectancy in the developed countries is about 80 years (females outliving males by about 4 years), which represent about 20% of the total world population.
5-7 months Which means she will go into labour in a couple months I fell sorry for her she is SO un prepared. and she used to be my role model now i can't watch her show!!!!
This phrase translates to "How many years are in a century?" in English.
It is: 5*288 = 1440
There are infinitely many possible answers. A simple polynomial is Un = (5n3 - 18n2 - 11n + 72)/6 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
Allah was repeated 2699 times in the Quran
2 years
There are 192 Member States of the UN.
Ko Un is 78 years old (birthdate: January 8, 1933).