The exchange rates change over time, so you better to a Web site that lists exchange rates (for example,, to find out the current exchange rate.
1 Chinese Yuan equals 0.16 US Dollar
9.7 Chinese Yuan equals 1.41 US Dollars
1.00 US Dollar =6.62860 Chinese Yuan.
The Yuan is the base unit of both former and present day Chinese currencies. A 1941 CNY of 100 Yuan is equal to 312.86771 USD. Currently, one Chinese Yuan equals 0.16 US Dollar.
1944,10000 Yuan's in dollars is 30920132.8600 US dollars
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Yuan is worth about $0.1527 US Dollars. $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 6.5 Yuan.
It has 15 million shops, but the one in America has 30 million shops.
One Chinese Yuan is equal to 0.218240 Singapore dollars which means: 165 Chinese yuan = 36.0096 Singapore dollars (As of today 26th April 2009)
The currency of Pakistan is the Pakistani rupee, which one of equals 0.0123451242429 American dollars. The currency of China is the Chinese yuan. 1 Chinese yuan equals 0.146353 U.S. dollars. The currency of Bhutan is the Bhutanese Ngultrum, and one is the same as 0.0 219 dollars. The currency of Nepal is the Nepalese rupee, one of which equals to 0.01308 dollars. The currency of Bangladesh is the taka, and 1 taka is equal to 0.01 dollars. I am half Bangladeshi myself, and as I love to share my (general useless) knowledge, it was my pleasure to answer this question.
1 Yuan= 0.15 US dollars on 5-31-16
It is 1360 yuan