Oh, dude, let me count... pretends to count on fingers... Okay, so there are 7 zeros in 400 million. That's like a whole lot of zeros, man. Like, you could buy a lot of stuff with that many zeros in your bank account, you know what I mean?
In the Indian numbering system, 40 crore is equivalent to 400 million. When written out in standard numerical form, 400 million is represented as 400,000,000. There are seven zeros in 400,000,000.
there are SIX zero's in eight million!
About 400 million.
400 million albums
6.66... million minutes.
Any number multiplied by zero is zero. If I have a million dollars and I give it to you zero times, how many times have I given you a million dollars?
A million is 1,000,000 so it's 6.
6 zero's in a million, thus.... 1,000,000
1,000,000= 1 million