Only one: the second digit.
1 zero. As 1megabyte= 1,048,576 Bytes The root 'Mega-' does not go well here as mega means 10^6, so it is expected that it would have 6 zeros buy it does not.
A megabyte is sometimes defined as a million bytes - a 1 with 6 zeros. More commonly, however, it is defined as 1024 squared - a little more than a million bytes.
Mb stands for Megabits, Mega stands for a million (1 followed by 6 zeros). A Megabit stands for that many bits of digital information or data. If written as MB (with a capital B) it stands for Mega Byte. One Byte contains 8 bits. - Neeraj Sharma no u got it all rong mb means master bate
786 bits for 1 mb
1024 MB = 1 GBtherefore1/1024 GB = 1 MB=0.0009765625 GB is 1 MB
there are 1024 megabytes in 1 gigabyte.
there is 1024 kb to 1 mb
1,024 kilobytes (Kb) = 1 megabyte (Mb)
1 megabyte is 1 megabyte....
1 Million bytes = 1 Megabyte
1 megabyte is smaller then 1 gigabyte. 1 megabyte = 1/1024 gigabyes, 0.0009765625 gigabyes, or about 0.001 gigabytes.