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Q: How many zeros are in fifty thousand billion dollars?
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How many zeros in fifty billions?

By the European and American way anyway, there are 10 zeroes. 50,000,000,000

How many zeros in forty thousand billion?

Forty Thousand Billion=40,000,000,000,000 so there are 13 zeros i think...

How many zeros in 1 billion in US?

In the U.S., a billion is a thousand million, so Nine zeros.

How do you write out two hundred and fifty thousand?

Two hundred and fifty thousand is written as 250,000. One thousand has three zeros at the end of it, so you can simply add three zeros to 250 to find your answer.

What is one billion divided by one hundred thousand?

1000000000 / 100000 = 10,000

How many zeros are in a 200 billion?

In a 200 billion, there are 11 zeros. This is because a billion is equivalent to one thousand million, which has 9 zeros. Therefore, when you multiply 200 by a billion, you get 200,000,000,000, which has 11 zeros.

How many zeros are in a thousand billion?

1,000,000,000,000 12

How many zeros in usa billion?

A thousand million

How many zeros are there in 3 billion?

In English speaking countries there are 9 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000In other countries there may be 12 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000,000In England, an English speaking country, a billion = one million, million (12 zeros).6 zeros is a million, 7 zeros is ten million, 8 zeros is a hundred million,9 zeros is a thousand million, 10 zeros is ten thousand million,11 zeros is a hundred thousand million. 12 zeros is a million million = a BILLION.In North American usage a billion = a thousand, million. (9 zeros).Nine, if you write it as 3,000,000,000 .Two, if you write it as 3.0 x 109 .

What is 1 followed by 32 zeros?

1 followed by 32 zeros is known as a googol. In mathematical terms, it is represented as 10^32, where the exponent indicates the number of zeros following the 1. A googol is an extremely large number, often used to illustrate the concept of infinity and to demonstrate the vastness of numbers beyond our everyday comprehension.

How many zeros in 78 billion dollars?

There are 9 of them in: 78,000,000,000 dollars

How many zeros are in a hundred and fifty million dollars?
