Just take off 2 zeros and you will find there are 250 zeroes in the number 25,000.
Twenty-seven thousand five hundred fifteen written as a number would be: 27,515.
25.000 = twenty-five 25,000 = twenty-five thousand
As a number it is: 25,000
Just take off 2 zeros and you will find there are 250 zeroes in the number 25,000.
The number 25,000 is "twenty-five thousand."
twenty five hundred thousand in number = 2,500,000
Twenty-seven thousand five hundred fifteen written as a number would be: 27,515.
The number '25000.00' is Twenty-five thousand.
25.000 = twenty-five 25,000 = twenty-five thousand
You get a thousand times the counting number. Thus three becomes three thousand, Twenty five becomes twenty five thousand, and so on.
only three zero's, 25,000.
As a number it is: 25,000