This depends upon whether you mean the English quintillion or the American quintillion.
In the English form of numbers, the number order goes as follows:
million, billion, trillion, quadrillion then quintillion. Therefore the amount of zeros will be 18.
In the American form, the number order duplicates itself, so-to-speak, making each major sector have more numbers. The number order goes as follows:
million, thousand million, billion, thousand billion, trillion... etc. Therefore the amount of zeros will be 30.
Tens of quintillions.
how many zeros in one billion
A Googolplex has a googol of zeros.
There are one billion zeros in a myriand
A quintillion is 1018 That's a one with eighteen zeros.
Ten Quintillions 1 followed by 18 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 18th) is One Quintillion 1 followed by 19 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 19th) is Ten Quintillion 1 followed by 20 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 20th) is One Hundred Quintillion 1 followed by 21 zeros (one to the power of ten to the 21st) is One Sextillion & so on...
a google is a one with 100 zeros after it a googleplex is a one with a google zeros after it.
Quintillion and one.Alternate Answer 1: I think you might want 'Tens of Quintillions', then 'Hundreds of Quintillions', then 'Sextillions'. Does this help?
One followed by one hundred zeros is one googol.
15 zeros
1,000,000- there are 6 zeros
There are 9 zeros in one billion
There are SIX zeros in a million !
There are 3 zeros in a thousand. 100 = one hundred 1000 = one thousand
6 zeros Example: 1,000,000 This is the number one million and if you count the zeros in it you'll end up with 6 zeros.
There are 6 zeros in 1,000,000 pounds.
That's 1084, a one with eighty-four zeros.