One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)
There are five zeroes in 1 lakh.
If you mean Lakh, one Lakh is 100,000 so 5 zeros
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
how many zeros in 12 lakh
There are 5 zeros in a lakh.
ther are 5 zeros in one lakh
If you mean Lakh, one Lakh is 100,000 so 5 zeros
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
how many zeros in 12 lakh
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
1,0000000000000 13 zeros * * * * * Actually it is 12 1 lakh crore is 1,00,000 * 1,00,00,000 = 1012
There is six zeros in on million. One million is equal to 10 lakh
One lakh has five zeros because it represents one hundred thousand in the south Asian numbering system. It is written as 100,000.