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For an algebraic function in one variable, as many as the highest power of the variable.

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Q: How many zeros can you have in an algebraic function?
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What are the zeros of a polynomial function?

the zeros of a function is/are the values of the variables in the function that makes/make the function zero. for example: In f(x) = x2 -7x + 10, the zeros of the function are 2 and 5 because these will make the function zero.

What are integral zeros?

The integral zeros of a function are integers for which the value of the function is zero, or where the graph of the function crosses the horizontal axis.

What is function of zeros command in matlab?

zeros makes a matrix of the specified dimension, filled with zeros.

What is an algebraic function?

An algebraic function is any mathematical function which uses only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and raising to the power.

What is an algebraic expression that defines a function?

It is a function notation

How can you use the zeros of a function to find the maximum or minimum value of the function?

You cannot. The function f(x) = x2 + 1 has no real zeros. But it does have a minimum.

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If a function is positive at a test number does the function has no zeros?


How can you use a graph to find zeros of a quadratic function?

The zeros of a quadratic function, if they exist, are the values of the variable at which the graph crosses the horizontal axis.

Is the circle a function?

No, it is a shape rather than a function but it can be described using an algebraic function.

Is a circle a function?

The shape of a circle IS capable of being described by an algebraic function. so no

What happens if there are no zeros in a quadratic function?

Whether or not a function has zeros depends on the domain over which it is defined.For example, the linear equation 2x = 3 has no zeros if the domain is the set of integers (whole numbers) but if you allow rational numbers then x = 1.5 is a zero.A quadratic function such as x^2 = 2 has no rational zeros, but it does have irrational zeros which are sqrt(2) and -sqrt(2).Similarly, a quadratic equation need not have real zeros. It will have zeros if the domain is extended to the complex field.In the coordinate plane, a quadratic without zeros will either be wholly above the horizontal axis or wholly below it.