six. The million is the same, the billion is different, 12 zeros in Europe. The US billion with 9 zeros is the European milliard.
By the European and American way anyway, there are 10 zeroes. 50,000,000,000
There are nine zeros in a billion.
how many zeros in one billion
six. The million is the same, the billion is different, 12 zeros in Europe. The US billion with 9 zeros is the European milliard.
By the European and American way anyway, there are 10 zeroes. 50,000,000,000
It depends. Most European countries use the long scale billion which has 12 zeros. 1,000,000,000,000 But English speaking countries use the short scale billion which has 9 zeros. 1,000,000,000
There are nine zeros in a billion.
how many zeros in one billion
Nine zeros.
There are 9 zeros in one billion
1 billion has 9 zeros.
In 90 billion, there are 9 zeros. This is because a billion has 9 zeros (1,000,000,000), and when you multiply 90 by a billion, you get 90 billion, which retains the 9 zeros from the billion.
A billion is 1 followed by nine zeros 70 billion thus has 10 zeros 70,000,000,000
There are 9 zeros in 16,000,000,000 which is 16 billion