9 zeros
A Thousand digit number will have 999 zeros
None of the zeros in that number are significant.
Depends what number
there are 52 Zeros in a Mahasamudram By: Satnam Singh & Sourabh Sharma Impact Projects Amritsar
15 zeros
9 zeros
A Thousand digit number will have 999 zeros
the number googol has exactly 100 zeros in it
None of the zeros in that number are significant.
6 zeros Example: 1,000,000 This is the number one million and if you count the zeros in it you'll end up with 6 zeros.
A gazillion is a fictitious number, as are a Zillion, and Jillion.
Depends what number
An infinite number of zeros is in infinity, so one specific number is not possible.
6 zeros Example: 1,000,000 This is the number one million and if you count the zeros in it you'll end up with 6 zeros.