Ten trillion = 10,000,000,000,000
a billion trillions would be 1 sexillion (no joke 100% serious) it is a 1 followed by 21 zeros. after that is a septillion a 1 folowed by 24 zeros.
well, 000,000,000 would be considered in the millions. for example, in 5,867,002, the 5 would be in the millions place. it is worth 5 million. even more zeros would have place value in the billions and trillions.
The question itself does not sound right because thousand comes before million, ones tens hundreds thousands millions billions trillions. By that being said i believe the correct answer to the uncorrect question is thousand*million or million*thousand=1,000,000,000 so the answer is nine zeros.
There are between 12 and 15 digits in trillions. If you include decimals, it is unlimited.
Ten trillion = 10,000,000,000,000
a billion trillions would be 1 sexillion (no joke 100% serious) it is a 1 followed by 21 zeros. after that is a septillion a 1 folowed by 24 zeros.
Billion has 9 zeros Example: 3 billion = 3,000,000,000 Trillion has 12 zeros Example: 5 trillion = 5,000,000,000,000
In the English language there is 12 zeros. This is called short scale. In the long scale there is 18 zeros. This is frequent in other languages besides american. The United States uses 12 zeros.
Trillions and trillions.
Number of zerosU.S. & scientific communityOther countries3thousandthousand6millionmillion9billion1000 million (1 milliard)12trillionbillion15quadrillion1000 billion18quintilliontrillion21sextillion1000 trillion24septillionquadrillion27octillion1000 quadrillion30nonillionquintillion33decillion1000 quintillion36undecillionsextillion39duodecillion1000 sextillion42tredecillionseptillion45quattuordecillion1000 septillion48quindecillionoctillion51sexdecillion1000 octillion54septendecillionnonillion57octodecillion1000 nonillion60novemdecilliondecillion63vigintillion1000 decillion66 - 120undecillion - vigintillion303centillion600centillion
Incalculable. Trillions upon trillions.
well, 000,000,000 would be considered in the millions. for example, in 5,867,002, the 5 would be in the millions place. it is worth 5 million. even more zeros would have place value in the billions and trillions.
The question itself does not sound right because thousand comes before million, ones tens hundreds thousands millions billions trillions. By that being said i believe the correct answer to the uncorrect question is thousand*million or million*thousand=1,000,000,000 so the answer is nine zeros.
There are between 12 and 15 digits in trillions. If you include decimals, it is unlimited.
Yes. Trillions of trillions of trillions in trillion of trillions of trillion of trillion of trillions of trillions of gaxalies