2.87 pounds is equal to 45.92 ounces.
13.2 ozs
That is about 2 cups of water
32,208 ounces.
If you are cooking it is important to understand how much liquid you need. 60 fluid ounces is equal to 7 and a half cups.
To convert ounces to pounds, divide by 16. 432,000 ozs / 16 = 27,000 lbs Therefore, 432,000 ozs of butane is equal to 27,000 pounds.
So, you have to add 24 ozs to one gallon of water ( which is equal to 128 ozs.) . Since you only have 48 ozs of water, you need to know what percentage you'll have to reduce your other "ingredients". 48 ozs. is 37.5% of 128 so you need to add 37.5% of 24 ozs. to your water. 24 multiplied by .375 equals 9. Add 9 ozs to your 48 ozs of water.
none, since ozs is a unit of volume and square feet is a unit of area. Note that we do not mean "zero" by "none". What we mean is that volume can not be converted to area
Ounces and ounces are the same measurement. therefore, 28 ounces is equal to 28 ounces.