3 times with a remainder of 10
Exactly 16 times
To determine how many times 13 can go into 48, we divide 48 by 13. The quotient is 3 with a remainder of 9. Therefore, 13 can go into 48 three times with a remainder of 9.
3 can go into 48 16 times, and can go into 84 28 times. THIS IS VERY TRUE HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY
144 ÷ 48 = 3
48 times
170/48 = 85/24 = 3 times and remainder 13
9 times with 3 remaining 435 - 3 = 432 = 48 x 9
Yes - 16 times.
Exactly 16 times.
48.666666666666667 times.