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Q: How may years for a laptop to reach 50 million users?
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How long did it take to laptop to reach 50 million users?

The real answer is 5 years. I found this on

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The real answer is 5 years. I found this on

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10 years

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took 89 years!

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12 years

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22 years

How long did it take ovens to reach 50 million users?

it took 10 years sorry i am only 11

How long did it take microwave ovens to reach 50 million users?

it took 10 years sorry i am only 11

What percentage of Indians use the internet?

Users are now estimated at over 2 million, with a growth predicted to reach 50 million in the next five years. only 5.5 %of Indians use internet.

How many years did it take for laptops to get 50 million users?


In 200 million years what continent will be in easy reach of the pacific coast?

In 200 million years, the North American continent is projected to move westward, bringing western parts of North America closer to the Pacific coast. This movement is due to the ongoing process of plate tectonics, where the Earth's plates are constantly shifting and changing positions over millions of years.

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It would take approximately 2.5 million years for a radio signal to travel from Earth to the Andromeda galaxy, which is about 2.5 million light-years away.