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Q: How meant corners does a heart have?
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How many corners and sides does the heart shape have?

2 side 2 corners and same lenght

How many corners does a heart have?


How many vertical corners are in a rhombus?

If verticle is meant to be vertical, then none.

How many sides and corners do heart shape have?

2 sides, 2 corners. (:

How many corners did star of Bethlehem have?

If you meant "corners" as points, the Star of Bethlehem was always regarded as an 8-Pointed star. In Greek, writing the name of Christ sums up to 888. All baptismal fonts have 8 corners.

Did an astranut say that the earth had corners?

Anyone who said that and meant it literally is a "nut" of some kind.

Is there a flag post in field hockey?

Yes, all four corners of the field are meant to have flagposts.

How many walls does the human heart have?

The human heart has 4 sides.

Why am I thick?

BECAUSE IT HAD CORNERS.Although it was made out of strong stone.. it had corners. This meant that any opposing threats to William could bash through corners more easily, so they made the square stone keep cus it didnt have corners. .. add meee!!

When you offer salah is the niyat meant to be spoken or the intention is enough?

It is meant to be spoken in your heart.

What has the smallest number of corners of all the shapes?

A coroner is an official who leads investigations into deaths in violent or suspicious conditions. It is not clear that there are any particular shapes that reduce their numbers.If you meant corners, then in 2-dimensional space is any closed curve such as a circle, an ellipse, an oval or even an irregular shape have zero corners. These shapes have their 3 dimensional counterparts, also with no corners.

What does 143 mean with heart with arrow?

it means i love you back when people used pagers the 1 meant i, the 4 meant love, and the 3 meant you <3 means heart i dont know what the arrow is for ???