

How mins take 1km by walking?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: How mins take 1km by walking?
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A machine puts tar on a road at the rate of 4metres in 5 minutes how long does it take to cover 1km of road?

20 hours and 50 mins

How many minutes would it take to walk a mile?

The average walking speed is about 3 miles an hour, so it would take about 20 minutes to walk a mile. However, it depends on your health, what you are carrying, and level of effort: walking slowly = 20-25 mins per mile walking briskly = 17-20 mins per mile walking fast = 13-17 mins per mile jogging = 9-13 mins per mile running = 5-9 mins per mile

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1km is equal to 6mins. 6kms × 6mins=36 minutes.

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It would take ~6.67minutes to run 1km at 9kmh.

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Driving: 24-25 mins Bus (depending on route may involve some walking): 43-49 mins Walking: 3hrs 26 mins Bike/Cycling: 1hr 2-6 mins -Reference: Google Maps Directions from Los Angeles to Inglewood, CA

Machine puts tar on a road at the ratio of 4 meters in 5 minutes how long does it take to cover 1 km?

If each 4m section takes 5mins, in 1km = 1000m there are 1000/4 = 250 of these sections. Each section takes 5 mins to tar, so 250 of them take 250 x 5 = 1250 mins. 1250 mins = 20 x 60 + 50 mins = 20 hours 50 mins.

If one man can walk 300m in 3 mins how many mins he needs for 1km?

He walks 100m in 1 min so 10 times that ie 10 min.

How long would it take to walk 7.6 miles?

by walking- 2 hr 30 min by running 30 mins

How far from city center is Edinburgh university?

about 45 mins walking or about 10 mins in a car

How long does it take to walk 62 miles?

it takes about 2 hours walking at brisk pace !! i completed in 1:45 mins

If one man can walk 400m in 4 mins how many mins he needs for 1km?

400 meters is 0.4 km. 4 minutes divided by 0.4 gives 10 soAnswer:It would take man who walks four hundred meters in four minutes, ten minutes to walk a kilometer.

What is the average time for a person to walk 1km?

Average human waking speed is 1.4m/s. Thus, the average time it takes, at walking speed, to walk 1km is 11 minutes, 54 seconds.