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Q: How much 16-16-16 fertilizer do you use around small trees?
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What is the best fertilizer for pecan trees?

The best type of fertilizer for pecan trees is a fertilizer which is high in nitrogen and zinc.

What types of trees cannot have lime fertilizer around them?

Trees that grow within a narrow range of acidity or neutrality cannot have lime fertilizer around them.Specifically, lime fertilizer acts to raise the soil pH. Trees that survive within a narrowly defined range of acidity cannot handle fluctuations that may be provoked by lime fertilizer applications. Similarly, trees that require soil pH levels within the neutral range do not respond well to even the slightest alkalinizing of soils.

Can Baking soda as fertilizer for citrus trees?


What is best fertilizer for lemon tree?

Ammonium sulfate or a specialty fertilizer is the fertilizer to be used for tangerine trees (Citrus x tangerina).Specifically, tangerine trees are citrus trees. They benefit from a fertilizer that is designed especially for citrus trees. Or they favor ammonium sulfate. Either way, it is a lifelong fertilizer schedule that tangerine trees are on.

What fertilizer do you use for a satsuma tree?

A specialty fertilizer is the fertilizer that is used for satsuma trees (Citrus unshiu).Specifically, satsumas are citrus trees. They therefore benefit from fertilizers especially designed for citrus trees. Otherwise, they can handle either inorganic or organic fertilizers. In terms of inorganic, they favor a yearly application of a balanced fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and of a turf fertilizer of boron, copper, magnesium and zinc.

What is a good fertilizer for golden palm trees?

TreeHelp Complete Palm Fertilizer Spikes are a fast, precise, long lasting method of fertilizing golden palm trees. It will provide all the nutrients palm trees will need.

What is in organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizer is dead trees and plants.

What do you fertilize apple and pear trees with?

You want to Fertilize them in the Spring you will want to get a Fertilizer that is specific for fruit trees you would want to get a fertilizer that is 0-10-10 or 15-30-15

Is it true cows poo made trees?

No. Seeds from trees make trees, cow's poo just adds extra fertilizer.

Tree Fertilizer?

form_title= Tree Fertilizer form_header= Keep your trees growing tall with fertilizer! Do you want to use organic fertilizer?*= () Yes () No What kind of tree needs fertilized?*= _ [50] How many trees do you need fertilized?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More than 10}

What is the best fertilizer for Bartlett pear trees?

A balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 is generally suitable for Bartlett pear trees. It's important to apply the fertilizer in early spring before new growth begins, and to follow the instructions on the product label for proper application rates. Additionally, organic options like compost or aged manure can also be beneficial for pear trees.

Does lime help citrus trees?

Citrus trees are trees that grow citrus fruits, such as orange, lemon, lime. I don't know how a fruit can help its tree. i am no expert but the fruit can help because as it decomposes it is a natural fertilizer for the tree i have heard that some fruit trees like banana peels on the ground to decompose into fertilizer.