1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
95125.000 in US Dollar
75.80 taka is the same amount as 1 dollar.
1 US dollar = 1.19119 Australian dollars
1 US Dollar billion = 51,110,000,610.35rupees
$1.00 = 70.00 taka
42 rupees
Taka is the official currency used in Bangladesh. At the current exchange rate, one US dollar equals 77.75 Bangladesh Taka.
1 litre for 1 US dollar (sorry they dont count in gallon) 1 us dollar=70 Bangladeshi money
One Bangladesh taka (BDT) is the same as 0.01 United States dollar (USD), and one dollar is the same as 69.17 takas.
how much is 1 us dollar in UK money
one US dollar =126.46 pasetas :)
1 Australian dollar is worth 1.06 Dollar in US
0.812348 euros is the same as 1 US dollar.
1 US dollar = 79.4300 Japanese yen
1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
1 dollar