1 US dollar = 1.19119 Australian dollars
1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
$1.00 in US money is 0.7042 Euro in Germany. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.42 (or excactly 1.42005) in US money.
1 cent is equal to $0.01
100 although 100 cent = 1 dollar 100 pence = 1 pound
1 Dollar equal 81.79 Taka
1 dollar is equal to 77 Japanese Yen.
1$ = 47.2297 IN 2011.
1 US Dollar = .66 UK Pound
less than 1 dollar
$1. A dollar bill will always be worth $1. it may go down and you need to use a few $1 bills to equal one dollar, but it will always equal one dollar.
One United States Dollar (USD) is equal to about 100 Japan yen.
1 dollar is equal to 46.9499 today
1 euro =1.75$
In 2010 One US Dollar was equal to about 6.33 Trinidad and Tobago dollars.
100 CRORE DOLLAR IS EQUAL TO Rs. 49,340 CRORE (Forty Nine Thousand Core Rupees.)