If the annual salary is 32,000 then the weekly wage is 615.38
Need more info: 32000/weeks/hours $32,000 per year / 52 weeks per year / 40 hours per week = 15.3846153846154 About $15.38 per hour.
$32000/year$2666.67/month$15.38/hourtry using the online calculator linked below. you can estimate how much will you get in every pay period.
36,920,000 pounds per year @40 hours per week.
$15.38 per hour.
If the annual salary is 32,000 then the weekly wage is 615.38
it is not how much per week, it is per game/season. i think mia hamm made about 700,000 per season on the national team.
Need more info: 32000/weeks/hours $32,000 per year / 52 weeks per year / 40 hours per week = 15.3846153846154 About $15.38 per hour.
$32000/year$2666.67/month$15.38/hourtry using the online calculator linked below. you can estimate how much will you get in every pay period.
36,920,000 pounds per year @40 hours per week.
$15.38 per hour.
If I make $32,000 a year how much is my bi-weekly pay?
Premiership players earn an average of 31,000 pounds a week. The best players can receive as much as 250,000 pounds a week.
This is recycled per person 4.4 pounds a day, 29 pounds a week, and 1,600 pounds a year!!!! That's not enough!
His annual salary is 3 million pounds, this divided by 52 weeks a year is 57692 pounds.
1 and a half pounds a week times that by 52 and you got it
a netballer gets paid 3000 pounds a week