It depends on the interest rate that you can get.
If you can get 3% return: $30,000 'income' without touching the million principal.
5% return would earn $50,000 per year.
Depends on in what country!
The amount of interest you earn on 10 million dollars varies greatly based on the type of investment being made. High return investments can yield over 10% while safer options are around 2 or 3%.
Assuming an interest rate of x% (per year), you will earn 1,000,000 times x/100 / 12
14,400,000 dollars
The White Stripes earn as much as 62,000 dollars monthly. This is an annual income of more than 720,000 dollars.
they earn about 5 million dollars per annum, believe it or not.
'Annual income' is the total amount of money you earn in one year.
What is meaning of annual income? 'Annual income' is the total amount of money you earn in one year.
As of 2014 it is estimated that Randy Moss earns an annual salary of 6.5 million dollars. He has a net worth of around 25 million dollars.
earn it
In Arizona, the average annual income for an accountant is $48,000. The average annual income for an accountant in Ohio is $56,000.
Annual income is what you earn as wage or salary per year. Usually all data on income are per year and you have to spit the amount to see what you earn per month. However, if you add all your income (what you receive from January 1st to December 31st), you will have the annual income.Annual = per year.
In the US, the average annual income for an executive producer is $102,000. The average annual income for an assistant producer is $49,000.
They earn 8 million dollars.
roughly $80,000... but it can vary.
21.37 million dollars a year.