You can miss 3 questions and get a 70. If you can consider a 70 passing.
from wikii answrs
The answers will depend entirely on the questions of which none have been given.
To get seventy percent or better on a quiz of 16 questions one needs 11.2 answers correctly answered. So it is best not to miss 4 but definitely not to miss 5 or more. This answer is arrived at by taking the 16 questions and multiplying by .70 (70 percent) or 16 x .70 = 11.2.
Concentrate your search on the area beneath the 72, about a third of the way down.
On the Disney channel Shake It Up section of the website, there is a quiz you can take to open exclusive content only available to the super fans who watch the show. In order to pass the quiz, you need to need to watch the episodes to get the answers to the quiz.
You need to do this instead of asking for answers.
the only answer you need is cake
I need the answers to 3, 24, 38, 56 & 67
You need to do this yourself.
Yes I need textile relatedt simple quiz questions and answers
Answers does not have access to quiz answers.
A quiz and answers to Real Estate Express for national financial study can be found at the very same website under the help tab.
The answers to the glo-bus quiz 1 are not provided via the internet. The student will need to contact the teacher of the course in order to receive help with these answers.
the impossible quiz 2 answers
We don't help students cheat, so you need to get to work on your quiz.
You need to pass the Ghost of English past's quiz thing