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Q: How much are you supposed to weigh if youre 4 foot 11 inches?
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How much is a year 5 foot 9 boy supposed to weigh?

Come on dude! Youre a GUY just chill and have fun with your life.

If youre 5 foot 2 how tall are you in inches?

62 inches tall.

How much are you supposed to weigh if you are 5 foot 7 inches and 16 years old?

125-150 pounds would be the ideal weight.

If you are 4 foot 2 how much are you supposed to weigh?

you should weigh 60 pounds

How much do you weigh I am 14 5 foot 6 inches tall and my weigh in about 71kg?

she weighs 102lams

How much should a boy 4 foot 12 inches weigh?


If you are 4 foot 7 inches tall how much should you weigh?


How much should a girl weigh who's 5' 8 inches?

A female at 5 foot 8 weigh should weigh from 120-140.

What should a five foot two inches 13yr old weigh?

200 pounds

What is a 4 foot 9 nine year old supposed to weigh?

Around 67 - 76 pounds.

How does a 12 year old girl weigh 5'5?

You can't weigh 5 foot 5 inches, that is a measurement of your height not your weight.

How much is a 4 foot 5 man supposed to weigh?

Anywhere from 83- 90 pounds. 88.3 is the exact