"Hectare" is a unit of area. It has no qubic meters in it.
1 hectare = 0.01 sq km.
A kilometer is a unit of length, measuring 1,000 meters, while a hectare is a unit of area, measuring 10,000 square meters. Therefore, a hectare is bigger than a kilometer in terms of area covered. In simpler terms, a hectare is a measure of land area, while a kilometer is a measure of distance.
A meter is a unit of length, a hectare is a unit of area. You can't convert that. A hectare, however, has 10,000 square meters.
No, a hectare is much bigger. A hectare is equal to 10,000 meters square.
Just over 1 hectare (2.4 acres)
A metre is a unit of length. A hectare is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
A hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters or 2.47 acres. It is commonly used as a unit of measurement for land area.
By definition, there are 10,000 square meters in a hectare. A hectare is a unit of measure for an area, and is used throughout much of the world in much the same way as an acre is used in the United States. There are 2.471044 acres in a hectare, making a hectare almost 2.5 times larger than an acre.1 hectare = 10,000 square metres.(The area of a square with sides one hectometer in length. The term "hectare" is 100 "ares", where an "are" equals 100 square meters.)Scroll down to related links and look at "Area Calculator".
A hectare is ,in fact, a measurement of area. So one hectare equals to 10 000 m2 in area.
There is no relation. A hectare is a measure of area. A mile is a measure of length.
Impossible to say, millimetres are lineal and hectare is area.
1 hectare = 10,000 m2
The hectare is a measure of area. 1 hectare is equivalent in area to a 100m square, that is, a square 100m x 100m 1 hectare=100x100 square metres = 10,000m2.
"Hectare" is a unit of area. It has no qubic meters in it.
1 hectare = 0.01 sq km.
The area of 1 hectare is 10000 square meters.