A gallon is a measure of VOLUME, not of distance. It cannot be translated to area.
There are approximately 3,628.739 cc in a US gallon.
aprox $160.00-$170.00
Oddly, it's One Gallon
One US gallon is 231 cubic inches.
A gallon is about 3.8 liters - a gallon is bigger.
One US gallon is 3785.4cc
One liter is about 0.264 US gallon.
3.78 litre in a US gallon.
One US gallon is 128 fluid ounces or 3.785 litres.
One US gallon has 3.8 (3.78541) liters.
A US gallon is 3.785 litre. An Imperial gallon is 4.562 lite
3785.411784 mL are in one US gallon4546.09 mL are in one imperial UK gallon
There are approximately 3785.41 milliliters in one US gallon.
2.56 US gallons = 9.961 L
The surface area would depend on the thickness of the layer formed by pouring out the gallon of liquid. The outside surface of a gallon container can also vary substantially based on its shape. Gallons are units of volume, not area.
About 8.35 pounds for one US gallon of water.
128 US Ounces are in one US gallon