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No limit,no check.

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Q: How much cash can a person cross state lines with?
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Related questions

How to encash a crossed cheque?

Get the person who issued the cheque to endorse it 'please pay cash' This is normally written between the 'cross lines.

How long does a person have to cash their taxes check?

You have one year to cash your federal check. Rules on state checks vary by state.

What do you get when you cross a cow with cash?

A cash cow!

What does cross footing a cash receipt journal mean?

Cross-footing a cash receipts journal means

What does cross-footing a cash receipts journal mean?

Cross-footing a cash receipts journal means

What happens when equipment is purchased for cash?

The person that had equipment now has cash and the person that had cash now has equipment.

How do you sell a car in a state that it is not titled in?

either buy check,cash or money order. but also if you are selling it to an individual from another state a person could get it titled in that state for a fee.

What is cash buying?

Paying in person with cash.

Can you cash a check if its not made out to you?

Not if it is a crossed cheque (has two lines across the middle) and or has A/C payee only in it. If it has not then it needs to be signed on the back by the person it was made out to before you can present it.

What is the difference between cross check and cash check?

Those are totally different things. Cross check is either checking something twice or a hockey maneuver. Both has nothing to do with banking or cash checking.

Can anyone cash the check besides the one that it's made out to?

No. The only person who can cash a cheque is the person to whom it was made out to. The bank will not pay cash to anyone else. However, if the person has given a legal power of attorney to another person, that person would also be able to cash the cheque because he is acting on behalf of the person to whom the cheque was given.

What happens when a person named in a will to receive cash is dead?

It varies based on state law, but generally a dead person is disqualified from receiving from the will. Typically, a will includes a residuary clause which names a person or entity that is to receive any remaining assets. The cash would be included with those remaining assets. If there is no further person named or they are dead, then the estate would be treated as if the person died intestate (without a will). Each state has rules for who would inherit in this event. Generally, it is first spouse, then children and goes on from there.