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82 Pence change.

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Q: How much change do you get from 1 pound if you spend 18 pence?
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How much change do you get from one pound?

In the UK, a pound is equivalent to 100 pence. So if you receive a pound, you would get 100 pence in change.

From 1 pound after spending 19 pence and 17 pence how much change do you have left?

You would have spent 36 pence, which would leave you with 64 pence change.

How much is a dime worth in London?

A dime is not a recognized currency in London or the United Kingdom. The currency used in London is the British Pound Sterling (£).

How much is 2052 pence in pounds?

If 100 pence in a pound, 2052/10=£205 and 20 pence.

How much was a pound worth in pre decimal pence?

One pre-decimal pound was 20 shillings, one shilling was 12 pence, so one pound was 240 pence.

How much is a hundredth of a pound in pence?


How much 12.5 pence in 1pound?

12.5 pence is 1/8th of one pound.

How much is 100 pence worth in dollars?

100 pence is 1 British Pound. 1 British Pound equals 1.52 US Dollar. Conversion as of 15th December 2015. Note; exchange rates change daily.

How much does One Pound worth of 2 Pence coins weigh in grams?

A Two Pence coin weighs 7.12 grams. There are 50 Two Pence coins in a Pound. One Pound worth of Two Pence coins weighs 356 grams.

How much money is one fifth of one pound?

One hundred (100) pence to the pound, so one fifth (1/5) of a pound is twenty (20) pence

How much is a pence?

One pence (singular is a penny) is one hundredth of a pound, as there are 100 pence in £1.

How much is an pound?

16 ounces are in a pound. 100 pence are in a pound. 453.59237 grams are in a pound. In Los Angeles a pound of bananas is about a dollar.