Depends on your location, size of eggs, etc. I just bought a dozen for a dollar, Sept 2016, in central Virginia.
about $ 1.50 to $2.00, it changes day to day.
A dozen eggs in 1912 cost only $0.40 for one dozen
In 1970 a dozen of fresh eggs cost only 62 cents. Therefore, six fresh eggs would have only cost 31 cents in 1970.
about 1.60 for a dozen
Eggs are not sold by the box, but the dozen and in California I am paying 4.99 a dozen.
In 1989 the cost of a dozen eggs was about 96 cents. The price of that item has approximately doubled in the intervening years.
The cost of a dozen eggs in 1990 was about one dollar. A loaf of bread was about 1.57 and milk was around 1.42.
a dozen eggs cost 20 cents in the 1970'