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Q: How much dirt is in a hole that is 3 feet deep and 1 foot across by 2 feet?
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How much dirt is in a hole that is 5ft deep with a diameter of 5 ft?

There is 98.17477042 cubic feet of dirt in a 5 foot deep hole that is 5 foot across.

How much dirt is needed to fill 36 sq foot box 12 inches deep?

1 foot by 36 sq feet = 36 cubic feet of dirt is needed

How much dirt is in a hole one foot deep and three feet square?

All of it

How much dirt is in a 2 foot diameter hole that is 4 feet deep?

None. If it's a hole, then the dirt has been removed.

How much dirt is in a hole 2 feet wide 2 feet long and 4 foot deep?

none, it is a hole

How much dirt is needed to fill a 30 foot circle which is 3 feet deep?

if you mean a 30 foot diameter circle, then pi x 152 x 3 = 2119.5 cubic feet of dirt

How many cubic feet of dirt in a hole 6 ft long 2 ft wide and 1 foot deep?

Noe but it can be filled in with 12 cubic feet of dirt

How much dirt is needed to cover a 10 foot by 150 foot area 12 inches deep?

You will need 1500 cubic feet.

if airt welghs 100 lb. per cuble foot, what is the weight of dirt in a holethree feet square by two feet deep?


What is the total volume of dirt in a hole that is 1 foot long 2 feet wide 3 feet deep?

6 cubic square

How much dirt is therein a hole that is a foot long a foot wide and a foot deep?

a lot of dirt.

How many shovels of dirt would it take to create a trench 1 foot wide 3 feet long 6 feet deep?

It depends how big your shovel is. Then, it depends if the dirt is dry or moisty, which can effect everything. and the answer is 360 because 1*3*6= 18 then multiply that by 20. 18*20= 360. your welcome guys.