770. You can find the mean when you add all the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers there are. 268+ 1258+900+654/4
273 927
If you add the digits together, you get 12. Since 12 is divisible by 3, 327 is also divisible by 3.
You need to add 12.
1+23+456+7,890+987+654+32+1=10,044. You add it in bits: 1+23=24; 24+456=480; 480+7,890=8,370; 8,370+987=9,356; 9,356+654=10,011; 10,011+32=10,043; and 10,043+1=10,044.
No: not with the standard definitions of "add" and of numerical digits.
770. You can find the mean when you add all the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers there are. 268+ 1258+900+654/4
273 927
If you add the digits together, you get 12. Since 12 is divisible by 3, 327 is also divisible by 3.
You add 1 ml to make it a teaspoon.
You need to add 12.
You must add 800,000.
1 cup of dry beans=2 1/2 to 3 cups of cooked beans/
1+23+456+7,890+987+654+32+1=10,044. You add it in bits: 1+23=24; 24+456=480; 480+7,890=8,370; 8,370+987=9,356; 9,356+654=10,011; 10,011+32=10,043; and 10,043+1=10,044.
Crying and laughing add so much to your life. They make many people feel much better.