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Q: How much do you get for donating eggs?
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What are the main benefits of donating eggs?

The main benefit of donating eggs is that is makes it possible for a couple to have a child. Most places will pay between five and then thousand dollars for donated eggs.

Where can a woman get information about donating eggs?

A woman can get information about donating eggs from her doctor. Another place a woman can get information would be a fertility clinic. Online, a blog or forum could be a source of information.

if i donate my eggs for money do i have to pay for the doctor?

No, you will never pay for donating or selling your eggs. The recipient will bear those costs.

How can you donate your eggs?

There are few gifts more precious than one which helps aspiring parents fulfill their dream of having a baby. If you would like to help a couple in need by donating your eggs, please see the following article which outlines the qualifications, procedures, and compensation for donating your eggs.

When donating plasma how much do they take?

On average about a half to three quarters of a liter of plasma is needed when donating. After donating you are compensated for your donation.

Is donating eggs morally wrong?

I don't think so. Especially not if you are doing it to help someone.

What is the price of a human egg?

Egg donation prices vary but women can receive around $8,000 for donating her eggs.

Will donated eggs be born to look like their donor mothers?

Or the father, yes, since they are the ones donating their DNA to the baby.

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i dont know How much do eggs weigh?How mHow much do eggs weigh?uch do eggs weigh?How much do eggs weigh?How much dHHow much do eggs weigh?ow much do eggs weigh?o eggs weigh?How much do eggs weigh?

Is donating money a good idea?

I think it is as long as you don't donate SO much......

i want to donate my eggs and i heard you can for money or to get a tubal reversal. im up for either one. please let me know whats possible.?

Yes you can earn a great sum of money for donating eggs to a donor bank or donor mother.

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Alkenes are electron donating.