i don't know but can someone give the awnser for the game four four's please?
200403926 = 200,403,926 = two hundred million, four hundred three thousand, nine hundred twenty-six.
12,500.00 could be written in a few ways: Twelve thousand five hundred Twelve thousand five hundred dollars (if referring to money) Twelve thousand five hundred and zero hundredths (if you want to preserve the unnecessary zeroes at the end).
3,628,800 - three million, six hundred twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred
You eat it.
200403926 = 200,403,926 = two hundred million, four hundred three thousand, nine hundred twenty-six.
333,333,333.3 === actually that is close to splitting one million evenly 3 ways, but leaves .1 unaccounted for. The exact even three way split would be shown in either of two ways: 333,333,333 and 1/3 or 333,333,333.333 with a bar over the last 3 digits, indicating this is a repeating to infinity sequence.
In two different ways;5,800,000 or "five million, eight hundred thousand".
Here are three ways: 2,980,000; 2980 thousand; 29,800 hundred
1. one hundred twenty five million seven hundred forty thousand six hundred eighty-nine 2. 125 740 689
2666.66 dollars each - without the use of a calculator !
125740689, 1.25740689 (times) 10 to the 8th power, one hundred twenty-five million seven hundred forty thousand six hundred eighty-nine
12,500.00 could be written in a few ways: Twelve thousand five hundred Twelve thousand five hundred dollars (if referring to money) Twelve thousand five hundred and zero hundredths (if you want to preserve the unnecessary zeroes at the end).
There are two ways, both are used : "one point five billion" and "one and a half billion". Another form for decimals (one and five-tenths) is seldom used for large numbers.
You could write it two ways in word form: Two and five tenths (which is usually preferred on math homework) or Two point five.
A Million Ways was created in 2004.