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8.50 x 40 = 340 x 7 = 2,380

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Q: How much do you make a month after taxes at 8.50 per hour for 40 hours a week?
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If you make 10 dollars an hour how much will you make in a month?

Assuming a forty hour work week, you will make, minus taxes, $1120.

If you make ten dollars an hour how much do you make a month if you work 40 hours a week?

You make $1,733.33 per month.

How much an hour do you make if you make 3200 a month?

Depends on the amount of hours worked . If you consider a 40 hour work week over a month that comes out to 160 hours. Now divide that into 3200 it works out to 20/hr

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If you make 8 dollars an hour how much will you make in a month?

Your question has missing data to be answered. You do not include how many hours of working a day, how many days of work, and how many weeks of work. To be able to give a proper answer to this question these facts need to be known.For a regular 40 hour work week you will make $320. This is with no taxes taken out. Taxes vary upon the state you live in.

If you make 12 dollars an hour how much will you make in a month?

if its 30 days month you'll make: 21,600 but you haven't specified how much hours a day so it depends I gave you the answer for 24 hours.

If you make 13 per hour how much will you make in a year?

Here is how to figure this out 13 X working hours= working hours X number of work days = working days X 4 weeks in a month = monthly total X 12 (a year)= Don't forget to take out for taxes, SSI, and State taxes from the gross. This will give you a net.

If you make 11 dollars an hour how much do you make a year if you work 40 hours a week?

$22,880 Gross (Before taxes)

How much would you make in Oklahoma for working 30 hr a week with 12 dollars an hour after taxes?

If you are making 12 dollars per hour, and working 30 hours a week, you would make $360 a week. Do you mean that you make 12 dollars an hour after taxes have been applied?

If you make 18.29 an hour how much is that in a year?

It depends on how many hours you work, and also things like taxes.

How much do cops make in a hour?

They don't get paid hourly. They have a salary which it depends where you live. The estimate about 3,000 a month before taxes.

How can you make 1200 dollars in a week?

To make 1200 a week takes a skill or education. A person who makes min. wage at 8.00 an hour will gross 1200 a month if they work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for a month. This is without taxes and SSI taken out. To earn a clear 1200 a week AFTER taxes/SSI requires a good job. To get a good job you need an education/training. The lowest wage you could earn is 40.00 an hour. A plumber earns that and more per hour, so does an electrician, but they have a skill.