$21.80 / Hour
$45,000 divided by 12 months = $3750 per month divided by 4.3 (4.3 is used to represent an average month. Some months longer and some are shorter.) = $872 per month divided by 40 hours per week = $21.80 /Hr.
It depends on how many hours you work in a year!
40 hour in a standard work week 52 weeks in a year 2080 work hours in a year 45000/2080 = $21.63 per hour
45,000 a year - for a 40 hour week is 21.63 per hour
in a typical 40 hour working period in a week,45000/year x 1year/52weeks x 1week/40hours= 21.63 per houryou may try using the online calculator linked below next time
It depends on how many hours you work in a year!
40 hour in a standard work week 52 weeks in a year 2080 work hours in a year 45000/2080 = $21.63 per hour
About $21.63 an hour.
45,000 a year - for a 40 hour week is 21.63 per hour
in a typical 40 hour working period in a week,45000/year x 1year/52weeks x 1week/40hours= 21.63 per houryou may try using the online calculator linked below next time
If you worked 5 days a week 8 hours a day, you would earn about 21 dollars an hour.
$38000 to $45000
$45,000 / 52 weeks / 40 hours = $21.63 per hour
$45000 a year is $3750/month.
$3,750 per month.