14 is the seventh multiple of 2.
Crystal Shade is 5' 2".
Shade grossed $459,098 worldwide.
sun/partial shade to light shade
Shade grossed $25,032 in the domestic market.
Two raised to the seventh power is 128.
Is that meant to say - What shade of lipstick are you? - If so... I don't wear much lippy, but it is usually a light shade of red.
the answer is 2
x>2, you use an open circle above the #2 and shade to the right. If the equation was greater than or equal to 2, you would use a closed circle and shade to the right! Less than 2 would use the open circle to not include 2 and you would shade all numbers to the left of 2. Less than or equal to 2, solid circle which includes #2 and shade all #'s to the left of 2!