To find out how many times 40 can go into 513, you would perform division. When you divide 513 by 40, you get 12 with a remainder of 33. This means that 40 can go into 513 a total of 12 times, with 33 left over.
there are 40 inches in a metre and 12 inches in a feet. So 40/12 or 3.333333333 feet in a metre.
1, 2, and 4
92-40=52-42=12 so 2
40 8x5=40 5x8 :/
To find out how many times 40 can go into 513, you would perform division. When you divide 513 by 40, you get 12 with a remainder of 33. This means that 40 can go into 513 a total of 12 times, with 33 left over.
there are 40 inches in a metre and 12 inches in a feet. So 40/12 or 3.333333333 feet in a metre.
6 R 12
1, 2, and 4
40 can go into 172 4 times with a remainder of 12, or 4.3 times.
about 40 quid
92-40=52-42=12 so 2
nothing does
1 with remainder 12.
40 minus 28 = 12 were wrong