Cotton is an object, which mean it has a third dimension. You need to supply a third dimension, along with a cubic weight for the cotton, in order to be able to get an answer to your question.
4*8*3=96 cubic ft 1 ft^3 = 12in * 12in * 12in = 1728in^3 Density of steel: 0.283lb/in^3 1728in^3 * 0.283lb/in^3 = 489.024Lb 96 * 489.024 = 46,946,304Lb A total of 46,946.304 Lb
3 feet = 91.44cm
3 feet = 1 yard
3 yards =9 feet (1 yard=3 feet)
How much should woman that 24 weigh?
90 to 120 ponds
up to 4 feet wide and 3 feet long
Jason weigh something like 143 pounds (65 kg).
About 80 pounds, or 36 kilograms. It is also about 3 feet long, and 20 inches in diameter.
they weigh up to 80 to 100 pounds and grow upto 3 feet
The Rafflesia arnoldii , it can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds .
im 5 10 and i weight 150. so 5 3...i'd say 130
It depends on the weight of the cotton fabric per yard. A typical lightweight cotton fabric might weigh around 4-5 ounces per square yard. So it would take about 16-20 yards of this fabric to weigh one pound.