mm are a measure of length. They do not convert to cups, which are a measure of volume. Just as there is no way to convert inches to gallons.
How much candy will fit in a cup depends on the specific weight of the candy. However, one cup of M and M's weighs about 6 ounces.
Well, unless you tell us the exact height of a cup, how could we know that.
16 (sixteen)
One eighth of 16 pints = 1 quart.
30 cups
That is 156 cups
150 grams of flour will not fit into one cup. It is approximately 1.2 cups
Definitely, if you have a 1-quart drinking cup.
How many cups is in 1 pint
Just one.
a gallon cannot possibly fit into a cup, there are however, sixteen cups in a gallon
mm are a measure of length. They do not convert to cups, which are a measure of volume. Just as there is no way to convert inches to gallons.
There are several sizes of Dixie cups. The bath cups are 3 ounces. The all purpose cups are 5 onces. The Grab n' Go cups are 8, 12, 16, or 20 ounce cups.
One cup of flour is 200 gm. -So 150 grams is 3/4 of a cup.
8ml of water is barely 1/32 of a cup. In other words 32 times 8ml. will fit in a cup.
That depends on 12 grams of what substance? You can fit more grams of a dense substance in a cup than you can in a cup of a fluffy substance. Grams are weight (mass), cups are volume. The two are not directly related. To convert one of these units of measurement to the other, you must know the density of the substance in question.